In 2019, industry estimates of the total subscription e-commerce market size ranged between $12 - $15 billion. Edison Trends provides the best online subscription intelligence to take advantage of this market. View immediate and accurate sales insights by brand, category, geography, and more. This research allows you to navigate critical revenue trends within subscription markets.
Top global brands rely on Edison Trends insights to inform their digital operations strategies. Our research is used by companies as a reference in earnings reports and financial S1s to validate their position in their market based on actual purchase trends.
Measure online subscription sign-ups vs. cancellations, new customers vs. customer loyalty, geographic performance, and more.
Evaluate everything from high-level insights like industry trends and YoY company revenue down to granular subscriptions, special editions, and more.
Analyze subscription sales and share in your market. Discover how discounts, promotions, and pricing factor into growth.
Read our Subscriptions research, as featured in the nation’s leading press coverage.